Curriculum Vitae
Department of Psychology
Coad Science Building
Mount Saint Mary's University
Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727
Born December 28, 1943; Married, with two adult children
La Salle College, B.A. 1966 Psychology
Villanova University, M.S. 1968 Experimental
Tulane University, Ph.D. 1972 Physiological
1984 Sabbatical: Five graduate
courses in computer science at The
Hopkins University.
1997 Sabbatical: Guest
Researcher, National Institute of Neurological
Disorders and Stroke, Bethesda. MD.
2004 Sabbatical: Manuscript
projects in statistics and survey of
undergraduate research.
1971-2006: Mount Saint Mary's
College, Professor (1983) and
Chair (1980-2000), Professor
Emeritus (2007), Department of Psychology.
1970-1971: Teaching assistant,
Tulane University, conducting the
undergraduate laboratory in
physiological psychology.
1967-1968: Teaching assistant,
Villanova University, conducting
discussion sections in general
psychology, undergraduate laboratory in
learning, and the graduate
laboratory in physiological psycholo
and Part-Time
1998-Grant reviewer, National
Science Foundation, Washington D.C.
1993-1995: Editorial textbook
consulting for Prentice-Hall.
1985: Triton Corporation,
Consultant: Statistical analysis of National
Emergency Training Center
course evaluation, maintain database, write
documentation and final
1987, 1988: Computer Applications
for Teachers: one week summer
Part-time teaching at Shippensburg
University and Hagerstown Area
Community College.
My primary areas of interest are in biopsychology, learning, statistics
and research methodology. Specific
courses frequently taught are the following: Statistics, Research Methods,
Biopsychology, Experimental Learning, Sensation & Perception and
Foundations of Psychology. Less frequently taught: History & Systems,
Comparative, Experimental Cognition, and
special topics courses, such as Drugs and Addiction, Sleep and Dreams, and
Psychology in Film.
From 1984 to 1988, I also taught Pascal and Data Structures in the
computer curriculum offered by the Department of Mathematics and Computer
Prior to becoming
Chair, I established laboratories in biopsychology and operant conditioning in
the Coad Science Building, developed extensive library holdings in psychology,
expanded the curriculum, and established the Psi Chi chapter on campus. Since becoming Chair, I've expanded the staff,
developed additional laboratory space, designed the Department's faculty office
expansion, and led the redesign of the psychology curriculum. Most recently, I
designed a new interdisciplinary major in Biopsychology.
I was active in bringing computer-assisted-instruction to campus, and developed extensive software with the
PLATO network (in the 1970s) and with
microcomputers (in the 1980s). All laboratory courses use computer-controlled
or computer-simulated experiments.
Campus-wide, I co-chaired the
development and funding of the first minicomputer-based academic computing facility (early 1980s) and
a microcomputer laboratory (1989). I am
responsible for initiating the first campus-wide committee on academic
computing (1984). I chaired the task
force which recommended the restructuring of campus-wide computing to emphasize
networking and a new computing administration (1992).
My primary objective since 1971 has been to interest and involve
undergraduate psychology majors in primary research. Most of the coauthors on
my publications and presentations were undergraduates when they contributed to
the research. The variety of different
research areas reflect the generalist values important to a small psychology
program as well the varied opportunities and student interests that arise.
With an expanded staff and a
restructured curriculum since 1986, I have been able to significantly improve
the student research activity within the Department. Evidence of this is First prize in the 1991
national student research competition of the American Psychological Society and
Second prize in the 1997 Psi Chi/Allyn & Bacon national student research
I organized and chaired the
campus-wide Institutional Review Board (IRB) for
faculty and student research, using a computer-based evaluation
Standing: Academic Council,
Faculty Affairs Committee (Chair), Faculty-
Student Affairs
(Chair), Barrett Research Prize (Chair), Faculty
Computer Committee
(Chair), Scholars Lecture Series (Chair),
Library, Enrollment Management Council, IRB (Chair)
Ad Hoc: Teaching Effectiveness (Chair), Master
Planning, Academic
Computing, J-Term,
Alumni Questionnaire, Teaching Award, Task
Force on
Campus-Wide Computing (Chair), Various subcommittees
of the Middle
States Self-Evaluation Team.
Search: Psychology Faculty (Chair), Director of
Library, Director of
Admissions, Director of Academic Computing, Chairperson of
Mathematics and
Computer Science, Chairperson of
Sociology Faculty.
American Psychological
Association (APA)
Division 2 (Teaching) and Division 6 (Physiological)
papers for the Annual Convention (1991-95, 1998-01)
manuscripts for Volume 4, Teaching Activities (1998)
Eastern Psychological
American Psychological Society
(Charter member)
Council of Undergraduate
Council of Undergraduate
Psychology Programs
Chair, 1994-1995
Eastern Coordinator,
Liaison to the
Board of Educational Affairs, APA, 1993-1999
Editor, 1997-2003
and Workshops
National Science Foundation
Conference on Neurobiology, Cognition, and
Utilization, Colorado State University,
6/24-7/13, 1990.
National Science Foundation
Chautauqua Programs:
Microcomputers in the Laboratory
Psychological Perspectives on Sociobiology
Frontiers of Neuroscience
Psychobiology of Pain and Pain Inhibition
and Fellowships
Sigma Xi (National Scientific
Research Honor Society)
Psi Chi (National Honor Society
in Psychology)
Alpha Epsilon (La Salle College
Honor Society)
Certificate of Appreciation
from Psi Chi Students, 1977.
Certificate for Distinguished
Service, Psi Chi, 1991.
Distinguished Service, Mount St. Mary's
College, 1996
NASA Traineeship, 1968-1970.
and Contracts
National Science Foundation
Instrumentation and Laboratory
1997-1999. Human Psychophysiology into
Undergraduate Psychology
Program, $18832.
National Institute of
Neurological Disorders and Stroke, 1989-1990.
Service contract to provide
control data and other consulting for
memory research with neurologically-impaired
patients, $8000.
Continued in 1992, ($1200)
and in 1993, ($4950).
Summer Research Grants, Mount
Saint Mary's College, 1973, 1974,
1979, 1980, 1981, 1983,
1984, 1990, 2003 $6667 (total funded).
Permits (Until
Drug Enforcement Agency
Registration #PK0163888-Researcher
Maryland Controlled Dangerous
Substances Registration #R08528
Publications (Citation
counts available)
Kierniesky, N. C. & Gerall,
A. A. (1973) Effects of testosterone
in the brain on the sexual behavior and peripheral
tissue of the male
rat. Physiology
and Behavior, 11, 633-640.
Kierniesky, N. C. (1973) The
effects of intracranial androgen implantation
on male sexual behavior and peripheral tissue in the
rat. Dissertation
Abstracts International B, 33(8), 3982.
Kierniesky, N. C. (1973) Chemical stimulation of the pineal gland:
Preliminary observations. Worm Runner's Digest, 15, 94-95.
Kierniesky, N. C. (1974) Book review of D. E. Broadbent's In
defence of
empirical psychology. Journal of Biological Psychology, 16,
Kierniesky, N. C. (1975)
Computer-assisted-instruction in an under-
graduate psychology laboratory course. In J. B. Maas
& D. A. Kleiber
(Eds.) Directory
of Teaching Innovations in Psychology.
American Psychological Association, 487-488.
Kierniesky, N. C., Sick, T.,
& Kruppenbacher, F. (1977) Open
field activity
of albino rats as a function of sex, age, and
repeated testing.
Psychological Reports, 40, 1255-1260.
Kierniesky, N. C. &
Groelinger, L. (1977) General anxiety and death
imagery in Catholic seminarians and college
students. Journal of
Psychology, 97, 199-203.
Kierniesky, N. C. (1977) Book review of R. Rosenthal's Experimenter
effects in behavioral research: Enlarged
edition. Journal of Biological
Psychology, 19, 58-59.
Kierniesky, N. C. (1978) Free exploration trends of developing albino
Psychological Reports, 43, 209-210.
Kierniesky, N. C. (1979) Drugs and bureaucracy. Newsletter on the
Teaching of Physiological Psychology, 2(1),
Kierniesky, N. C., Beaton, R.
J., McAbee, D. K., & Sheftic, J. M. (1980)
Acquisition of an avoidance response in rats during
conditioned suppression. Journal of General Psychology, 103,
Kierniesky, N. C. &
Kestler, E. (1981) The effects of
naloxone and
background noise on tone-mediated conditioned
suppression in rats.
In A. Herschman (Ed.) Abstracts of Papers of the 147th National
Meeting, American Association for the Advancement of
Washington: AAAS, 147.
Kierniesky, N. C. (1984) Undergraduate research in small psychology
departments. Teaching
of Psychology, 11(1), 15-18.
Kierniesky, N. C. (1989) Primary research at a small college. Mountaineer
Briefing, Commencement
Issue, 20-21.
Friedrich, J., Kierniesky, N. & Cardon, L. (1989) Drawing moral inferences
from descriptive science: The impact of attitudes on
fallacy errors. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 15(3),
Kierniesky, N. & Sobus, M.
(1989) The naturalistic fallacy: Moral
inferences drawn from research with children versus
Psychological Reports, 65, 475-479.
Kierniesky, N. (1992) Specialization of the undergraduate
American Psychologist, 47, 1146-1147.
Halpern, D. F, Smothergill, D.,
Allen, M. Baker, S., Baum, C., Best, D., Ferrari, J,
Geisinger, K., Gilden,
E., Hester, M, Keith-Spiegel, P., Kierniesky, N. C.,
McGovern, T., McKeachie, W., Prokasy, W., Szuchman, L., Vasta, R., Weaver,
K. A. (1998)
Scholarship in psychology: A paradigm for the 21st century.
American Psychologist, 53,
Kierniesky, N. C. (2005)
Undergraduate research in small psychology departments:
Two decades later. Teaching of Psychology,
32, 84-90.
Kierniesky, N. C. (1970)
Effects of adaptation and neonatal androgen on
female receptivity.
Paper presented at the Eastern Regional
Conference on Reproductive Behavior, Delray Beach, Florida, April.
Kierniesky, N. C. (1972) The
effects of intracranial androgen implantation
on male sexual behavior and peripheral tissue in the
rat. Paper
presented at the Eastern Regional Conference on Reproductive
Behavior, New
Orleans, June.
Sick, T., Kruppenbacher, F.
& Kierniesky, N. C. (1973) The
effects of sex,
age and repeated trials on open field activity of
albino rats. Paper
presented at the Maryland Psychological
Association, Towson, April.
Kierniesky, N. C. &
Kestler, E. (1981) The effects of
naloxone and
background noise on tone-mediated conditioned
suppression in rats.
Paper presented at the 147th National Meeting of
the American
Association for the Advancement of Science, Toronto, January.
Friedrich, J., Kierniesky, N.,
& Cardon, L. (1988) The naturalistic
On drawing moral prescriptions from descriptive
science. Paper
presented at the Western Psychological
Association, Burlingame, CA,
Sobus, M. & Kierniesky, N.
(1989) The naturalistic fallacy: Moral
inferences drawn from research using children versus
adults. Paper
presented at the Eastern Psychological
Association, Boston, MA April.
Kierniesky, N. C.(1989) Primary
research at a small college: Distinguished
Faculty Address presented at the Mount Saint
Mary's College Honors
Convocation, April 29.
Rupinski, M. T. &
Kierniesky, N. C. (1991) Hemispheric differences in the
assessment of emotional content of words and
faces. Paper presented
at The Mid-Atlantic Regional Scientific
Psychology Conference,
University Park, PA,
March 16.
Samuelsen, T. J. &
Kierniesky, N. C. (1991) Hemispheric processing in the
Stroop task: Impact of word vs. letter
recognition. Paper presented at
The Mid-Atlantic Regional Scientific Psychology
University Park, PA,
March 16.
Kierniesky, N. (1991) How current can the undergraduate teaching of
experimental psychology be? Paper presented at the 99th Annual
Convention of the American Psychological
Association, San Francisco,
August 18,
Kierniesky, N. (1991) Arnold Gerall and the generalist tradition in
experimental psychology. Paper presented at the Festschrift for
Arnold Gerall, New Orleans,
November 8.
Kierniesky, N. (1993) Chair and
discussant. The undergraduate
curriculum: Chair
perspectives on current issues. Symposium presented
at the Eastern
Psychological Association, Crystal
City, VA. April 18.
Kierniesky, N. (1993) Chair and
discussant. The misadventures of
chairpersons. Roundtable presented at
the Eastern
Council of
Undergraduate Psychology Programs,
Crystal City,
VA. April 18.
Kierniesky, N. (1994)
Chair. New resources for undergraduate research.
Symposium presented at the Eastern Meeting of the
Council of Under-
graduate Psychology Programs, Providence, RI, April, 17.
Kierniesky, N.(1994)
Implications of changes in animal welfare regulation
and ethics on small college psychology programs. Paper presented at
the Eastern Meeting of the Council of
Undergraduate Psychology
Programs, Providence,
RI, April, 17.
Kierniesky, N. (1995) Discussant.
Publishing a student research journal.
Psi Chi symposium presented at the Annual Convention
of the
American Psychological Society, New York, NY, July 1.
Kierniesky, N. (1995)
Chair. Influences on the undergraduate
Symposium presented at the 103rd Annual Convention of
the American Psychological Association, New York, NY, August 14.
Kierniesky, N. (1995) Fondest dream, greatest nightmare. Paper
presented at the Association of Heads of
Psychology Departments ,
Atlanta, GA, December 8.
Kierniesky, N. (1996) Undergraduate curriculum: What should it
Paper presented at the Southeastern Psychological
Norfork, VA, March 21.
Kierniesky, N. (1998) Scholarship: A new definition for the new
American university. Open Panel Discussion. Paper presented at
the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA,
February 28.
Laufert, M. & Kierniesky, N. (2000) Effects of chronic adolescent exposure to
ephedrine on late adolescent behavior, adult
behavior, and reaction to acute
amphetamine administration. Paper presented at the Eastern
Association, Baltimore, March 25.
LaLumiere, R. T. & Kierniesky, N. (2000) Effects of adolescent exposure to caffeine
and methylphenidate in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Paper presented at the
Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, March 25.
Kierniesky, N. (2000). Discussant.
Student input into managing undergraduate
psychology programs. Symposium presented at the 108th Annual Convention
of the American Psychological Association, Washington,
D.C., August 8.